Energy drink Blow models itself after … wait for it

Friday, October 2, 2009

A (high) energy drink that you buy in white powder form. It’s measured in grams. Oh, and it’s called “Blow.”

As if there weren’t enough lame energy drinks, now there’s one that models itself off cocaine. One serving of Blow equates 2 Red Bulls & three cups of coffee. U have 2 be 18+ to purchase it, but it’s available online as well. If you’re that intrigued by drug culture (WHICH MOST OF US FROM THE STREET ARE) it might be time to bypass the drink modeled after the drug, and look into … something else. Not that we’re condoning drug use, but seriously, Blow seems almost as bad as the real thing. ....I FEEL 4 THOSE WHO GONNA MIX THIS WITH THERE LIQUOR!!!!!!

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